Lay Leadership of our Parish - Parish Council

Our Council

Along with the clergy, our parish is also led by the Parish Council and its officers, who care for the day to day administration of the church. Learn more about our current council and its officers here.

PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES: Currently, the Parish Council has three openings. Are you interested in serving on the Parish Council? If so, you must submit your name to the church office in writing (either in person or via e-mail to no later than Sunday, April 21st. The council will vote on all submitted nominees at the April 25th meeting. To be eligible to serve on the Parish Council, you must be a member of our parish in good standing as defined by the UPRs in Article 18.


Nick Kavadas, President

Elias Ploutis, 1st Vice President

Dan Barajas, 2nd Vice President

Dimitra Adams, Secretary

William Logothetis, Treasurer

Andrew Campbell, Assistant Treasurer

Michael Dovellos

Arte Emmanoilidis

John Kostides

Andrew Kyres

Daniel Lopez

Yianni Nikolaras

John E. Petalas

Ioannis Petsalis

Dino Spiridis

Danny Tsouklis

Demetri Zembillas

Pete Zervos