Parish News & Notes

Special Announcements from our Clergy, Staff, and Societies

LOUKOUMADES SALE: Sunday, Sept. 29th after services during coffee fellowship in the Hellenic Banquet Center. Cost is $8.00 per container. You can purchase these delicious treats to go, or sit down at a table with a cup of coffee, relax and enjoy!


ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ASSISTING OUR PARISH? COMMITTEE OPENINGS AVAILABLE! All parishioners in good standing are welcome to join committees and work with the Parish Council. Please find committee sign-up sheets on the library hallway bulletin board. The following committees are immediately available for volunteers: Festivals, Special Events, Schools, Outreach/Philanthropy, Stewardship, Maintenance/Security, Planning/Development, Scholarships, Youth, Rental, Golf Outing, Choir, Senior Citizens, Church Order and Internet/PR.

PROSPHORON & OLIVE OIL NEEDED: Once again, our parish is seeking donations of prosphoron and olive oil. Please bring these items to church with you when you come for worship or to the church office during the week. Thank you!

SHUT-IN VISITATION: If anyone is shut in at home, the hospital or nursing home and would like our clergy to visit and administer the Sacraments of Holy Confession, Holy Communion and/or Holy Unction, please call the church office at 219-769-2481 to make an appointment. 

HOLY CONFESSION: Make an appointment with your spiritual father or parish priest for your spiritual checkup. Remember, confession is good for the soul!